''Tao abides in non-action, Yet nothing is left undone'' (Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 37) What does this mean? This means that Tao choose to Flow with life. When you flow with life, you use the universal flow, force and no Forc...
How to recognize some one from you soul family? -1st sign is that you feel comfortable! -You can talk for hours, it feels natural and the flow of energy from one another is very comforting. There is always the Love energy to bounce back from. -They see into ...
"Darling baby girl, Know that you are safe in my arms, You also will be safe in this world. It isn't what it used to be Men have claimed their hearts now baby, They won't hurt you, They won't see you as means to an end, Magazines, media, internet don't have no...
To achieve total well-being, inter-workings of each of these components are important. Why would that be? Mind - Is our thinking faculty, our brain. We use our mind to make sense of our surroundings, our emotions, feelings. We use our m...
October 2017 (1)
May 2017 (3)